After a year of publishing, we figured we deserved a night of celebration. Thus: A crowd of roughly 75 folks gathered to help the Heavy Table celebrate its first anniversary last week Wednesday at the Craftsman. Sweets Bakeshop brought the treats and gorgeous commemorative cake (above); Crispin brought some premium ciders including the newly released Saint.

Guests dined on Craftsman charcuterie and local cheese.

Editor James Norton (left) and Producer Aaron Landry made some remarks before cutting the cake.

Assorted food and beverages livened up the scene.

Top (left to right): WCCO food blogger Crystal Grobe, Heavy Table Assistant Editor Maja Ingeman, and reporter Jason DeRusha of WCCO.
Middle: Blogger and Bring.mn producer Taylor Carik (in scarf, right), Brian Moen of East-Lake.net (behind Taylor), Heavy Table Photographer Becca Dilley (in white sweater), logo designer Tod Foley (in glasses and brown suit coat).
Bottom (left to right): Miranda Wilson, Becca Dilley, Kyle Cannon, Heavy Table Writer / Photographer Katie Cannon.
Many thanks to our sponsors for this event: Sweets Bakeshop, The Craftsman Restaurant, Yelp, Crispin Cider, Taste Trend, 3rd Party Feedback, The Well-Fed Guide To Life, and vita.mn.

Thanks for the wonderful event, but the highlight was definitely that cake!
why did you post photos from the zombie pub crawl? oh, nevermind…it’s winter in minnesota.