Congratulations to the winners of the Grecco’s on the Saint Croix / Heavy Table Spring Bounty Photography contest. Check out all the entries on our Flickr group, and visit the blogs of our winners and honorable mention at Les Petites Images, Twin City Photo Shots, and Khoury Photography.
GRAND PRIZE ($100 in gift cards at Grecco’s) — Kate Sommers, “Salad of Arugula, Sunflower Sprouts and Radishes from Burning River Farm in Frederick WI, Purchased at the Mill City Farmers Market ”

FIRST PRIZE ($50 in gift cards at Grecco’s) — Norbert Lucas, “Honey Bees at the Minneapolis Farmers Market.” “Bug Boy Adrien loves honey,” writes Lucas. “Adrien and his mother make the trip to the Minneapolis Farmers Market twice a year, 100 honey sticks and three 1.5 pound jars of pure local honey. The honey sticks are a favorite for all of us.”

HONORABLE MENTION — Norbert Lucas, “Apple Blossom”

HONORABLE MENTION — Matt Khoury, “Fresh Local Asparagus” (with recipe)

Thanks to the folks at The Heavy Table! I’m honored to be the grand prize winner, and hope it inspires people to eat local :)
I’m afraid honeystiks are on the suspicious list containing imported honey from China and other OUS sources.
The only way to get honey into the straws is heat the crap out of it to 150F or higher, thus there is no way to sell raw honey in a straw.
The quality and sources of the flavorings and the presence of HFCS found in some honey stiks also puts up the warning flags, therefore at Ames Farm we never offer honey stiks for sale and while thats our traveling bee hive in the pic (thanks) we are not associated with the production or sale of honey stiks.
I recommend comb honey as Natures candy bar instead of the stiks.