
BARS Bakery and September 13 Tweet Rodeo

Want a high-end veggie restaurant in the cities? Sound off to @YoungChef2, @BARSBakery (former Swede Hollow Cafe owner Sandi Younkin’s latest project) opens its doors, @FoxyFalafel dreams of owning a food truck, @SewardCoop offers fresh hen of the woods mushrooms for your cooking pleasure, and @DandelionKtchn posts their schedule for the week.


November 20 Morning Roundup

Chris checks on TSA-approved holiday food, a name change for the (former) Eating Animals blog, Sara at TC Jewfolk has the best pareve (dairy-free) desserts in the Twin Cities, affection and a selection of recipes for candied yams from Simple, Good, and Tasty, gathering what late fall (early winter?) offers: last apples, burdock, and tea […]


July 21 Morning Roundup

Bill is in training for the super hot ghost pepper hot wing challenge, a look at tonight’s Taste of the Twin Cities Originals event, a vegetarian pot pie perfect for an unseasonably cool summer, Simple, Good, and Tasty teams up with Jackson Hollow Farm to offer a limited number of midsummer shares, and a local […]
