Elizabeth Scheibel
Liz Scheibel loves cheap food, expensive food, simple food, and fancy food. She attempts to learn to cook about every other month, and then decides to stick with baking cookies. As a true Minnesotan (originally from Minnetonka, a Macalester College grad, and a South Minneapolis resident), she knows that good things start with a can of cream of mushroom soup. She earns her cans as a librarian in a law firm and occasionally helps Heavy Table colleagues with background research for projects.
November 20 Morning Roundup
Chris checks on TSA-approved holiday food, a name change for the (former) Eating Animals blog, Sara at TC Jewfolk has the best pareve (dairy-free) desserts in the Twin Cities, affection and a selection of recipes for candied yams from Simple, Good, and Tasty, gathering what late fall (early winter?) offers: last apples, burdock, and tea […]