True Thai
Largest Craft Breweries and Morning Roundup
Cold Spring Brewery rises in the ranks of America’s largest craft breweries (according to the Brewers Association), La Belle Vie hosts an Austrian Wine Dinner this Thursday, a less-than-thrilled review of Anchor Fish & Chips wonders what all the fuss is about, Anna updates on the trial affecting hit-and-run victim and former True Thai chef […]
MoreThe Breakfast of Champions and Morning Roundup
A Harriet Brewing dinner at Solera on Thursday plus a look at the brewery’s taproom soft opening, the masters of Green County cheese, a nice promotional video for True Thai, 14 people are charged for dealing crack at or near Champions Bar and Grill (sidenote: bar owner Rick Nelson is presumably not also the Strib’s […]
MoreIn the Wake of a Chef’s Death
Anna of True Thai has written a long, passionate blog post that tunnels deep into the ongoing controversy over the hit-and-run death of her restaurant’s head chef, Anousone “Ped” Phanthavong. It’s a corker. In part, it addresses alleged media bias (in defense of sportscaster Joe Senser at the expense of the victim’s story), the tension […]
MoreMinneapolis Brewers Can Sell Pints and Morning Roundup
Climate change could spell doom for the cisco fish of Wisconsin, City Pages examines what happens when Kickstarter food businesses don’t follow through (ala the long-struggling but soon-to-open Donut Cooperative), how to cook the perfect green bean and how to perfectly overcook a green bean, Mount Horeb, WI (home of the Grumpy Troll brewpub) is […]
MoreTrue Thai vs. Trader Joe’s and Morning Roundup
Anna of True Thai rips into Trader Joe’s “fake True Thai,” Stephanie March reports on a new food truck (The Cave Cafe) offering Afro-Italiano food, Dara writes about creative sausages, a new sea lamprey repellent may help curb one of the Great Lakes’ most destructive pests, and a lovely pictorial from In Season (and here’s […]
MoreThe Inn Shuts Down and Morning Roundup
Dara and Rick report on the closure of the critically acclaimed but poorly patronized Inn (here’s our mostly positive review), a blind taste test of Minnesota wines over on G. Sheaves, this Chicago Tribune story about disgruntled former Pabst executives is not really local but is a fantastic read, a late-breaking smelt fry essay (our […]
MoreTrue Thai to Media: Cut the Crap
Anna of True Thai tackles WCCO and the Star Tribune in a blog post that goes beyond her initial mugging and looks at the coverage the crime received, rejecting the label of “victim” in the process. “When the TV station news crew ambushed me on Saturday, September 4, I thought they wanted to do a […]
MoreA Kombucha Shake-Up and Morning Roundup
Local brand Unpeeled comes out on top in an alcoholic kombucha scare, Raghavan Iyer and Om part ways, Steph March visits the Ale Jail, Meritage hosts another Tour de France, Kobayashi calls it quits, Sukie of Adventures in Thai Food has an awful experience at Royal Orchid in the Minneapolis skyway, Jeremy Iggers ditches his weight […]