An update on Five Watt Coffee (we broke the news of its opening here.) One for the “Tragic Breakups” file: Johnny Michaels is out at La Belle Vie. City Pages dings Freehouse for a lack of focus (we did the same in our review). Some intriguing details about Aki’s Bread Haus in Northeast. Sugar Love Bakery is opening in Woodbury. Matt’s Jucy Lucy is ranked #10 on a list of most influential burgers by Time magazine. Some PiPress love for Chef Shack’s new place. Rick Nelson digs Honey and Rye Bakehouse (we did too.) City Pages collects the 14 open or soon-to-open local distilleries (here’s our recent visits to Norseman and Far North, pictured above.) And Eric Harcey is opening a place called Bent Arrow in the old In Season location… and is stepping away from cooking as part of the Stock & Badge partnership (formed with Rustica and Dogwood). Whether that’s also a tragic breakup remains to seen; Parka may be the canary in the coal mine.