James Norton

James Norton is editor and co-founder of the Heavy Table. He is also the co-author of Lake Superior Flavors, the co-author of a book about Wisconsin’s master cheesemakers, and a regular on-air contributor to Minnesota Public Radio.

Parasole’s Tiny Treats

$2.50 now buys a shot-glass sized dessert at Salut, Figlio, Muffuletta or the Good Earth. Available during lunches on weekdays, the mini-desserts are a shrewd marketing move: just try to resist when a rack of shot glasses full of assorted goodies is waved in your direction.


Magic Hat #9

[Via MNBeer]: Magic Hat #9, the apricot-tinted East Coast beer long a favorite of New Englanders, is making its local debut on Thursday, March 12th at 5pm at the Happy Gnome. Exciting stuff, but they should’ve waited until the temp hit the mid 70s. #9 is high-end lawnmower beer.


Mar. 6 Morning Roundup

Stewart “Shefzilla” Woodman pays homage to Rick Nelson and backhands Chino Latino, Metro rounds up some high-end bargains (Barbette, Meritage, etc.), The Stillwater Gazette covers the silver anniversary of the Lake Elmo Inn, it’s hard to believe the 25 Friday fish fries listed over at the PiPress are actually “favorites,” but nice job on the […]


Twin Cities CSA Guide

The Land Stewardship Project just put out its 2009 Twin Cities Region Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farm Directory. It’s obtainable in dead tree format, too: just go to the Land Stewardship Project’s South Minneapolis office, 821 E. 35th St., Suite 200.


Solera Shell Game

[Via Craigslist]: $50 Solera gift card for sale for $45, cash only. Raises a lot of questions: How much would you pay to avoid dealing (in cash) with a total stranger? How much would pay to know, absolutely, that the gift card you’re getting would work? $5? More? More, right? Actual market value of card: […]


Mar. 5 Morning Roundup

LiveGreenTwinCities interviews Common Roots owner Danny Schwartzman, Red Pepper makes the totally reasonable assertion that French wine labels are damn near incomprehensible, Food Snobbery reports (with video!) from The Organic Farming Conference and The Captain’s Chair gives Town Hall Batch 1000 an A minus.
