A survey of Madison’s booming street food scene, tidbits from the newly opened Butcher and the Boar (here’s our preview piece), honey production is down in MN and WI, Fulton and Natedogs on a sunny day, a profile of Louie’s Pudding from Wisconsin, Common Roots offers a Passover menu, and a Moorhead waitress will get to keep her $12,000 tip.
All Hail Madison Street Food and Morning Roundup
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The myth that honeybees are in massive decline is implied again in this news clip. The real reason honey production was down last year in MN and WI was the weather was poor for honey production with cold spring and wet July.
Per USDA statistics.
2000 2.63 million hives
2007 2.44 million hives
2010 2.69 million hives
2011 2.49 million hives
2006 – 2007 was the year of the so called colony collapse disorder and is the lowest number ever of reported hives in the USA . A major reason hive numbers have drifted lower is the number of beekeepers and the profitability of beekeeping operations after the varroa mites moved into the USA in the 1990’s. During that time world honey production shifted to Asia and South America as its labor intensive.
The main issue with honeybee health around the world continues to be centered around the varroa mite and associated viruses. The only continent unaffected now is Australia. There is an ongoing onslaught of misinformation concerning honeybee health and numbers and this news clip riffs off that idea. It seems almost every week there is another article claiming massive losses to pesticides or mysterious ailments or cell phones, blah blah blah.