Blogger bethanyg is waging war on the new Town Talk Diner, writing that it’s “one of the biggest falls from grace in the Twin Cities restaurant scene” and, about the failed meal, “we are seriously now back home and heating up frozen food from Trader Joe’s.” Meanwhile over on Yelp, Summer L. hands the place a three-out-of-five star review, declaring “to compare our visit today to Town Talk with the visit we had a few months ago, there’s definitely a move in the right direction.” Our own recent visit pointed more toward the charitable view than the harsh one, but it seems that the only certain thing about the Diner right now is uncertainty.
Town Talk Diner: Fall From Grace or Road to Recovery?
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I have never been impressed with anything at Town Talk Diner after my first visit when I felt it was a refreshing idea in a growing area. Unfortunately future visits revealed a static menu with food quality that did not command the prices charged and because I don’t drink liquor the raving about their bar was irrelevant.
While I haven’t been there in years I can only imagine that if it is no better than it was during what others considered its heyday, then it’s better off just going away–much like it should have months after it opened.
I’ve always enjoyed my visits to TTD. Never great or outstanding food, but the atmosphere and drinks made it was it was. I still love bringing out of town visitors there and think there is a place for it in the dining scene.
Went last night (12/16/10) and it was absolutely not the same as it ever was. Hungry for garlic parsley fries? Sorry, TTD is now serving the same from-a-bag-frozen fries as Denny’s across the street. I kid you not. Even the typically methodical and delicious cocktails were sloppy and not executed anywhere near as deftly as they previously have been, case in point the Jackson Pollock which is supposed to be finished with a touch of basil oil float on the top was drenched with the basil oil while it was still in the shaker and completely killed the entire drink as well as left the entire glass covered in oil. Everything about the experience was painful, service was 180 degree difference from the days of Tim Niver and Aaron Johnson, unattentative and uninterested. Truly was a saddening experience as we live mere blocks from TTD….