The wrapper around Bernatello’s new Lotzza Motzza Brew Pub Pizza promises over a half pound of Wisconsin cheese; the product’s website states that the pizza is “…for the Hungry Man! No weak stomachs allowed! You better be ready to Man-Up! A Serious Pizza Coma is in your Future!”
Challenge accepted.
This new Wisconsin-made premium frozen pizza packs a price commensurate with its hefty load of lactic goodness: we paid $8 for a pepperoni Brew Pub Pizza at Kowalski’s.

After 20 minutes in the oven, the pizza came out looking like something from a 1970s horror film — brown and orange, melty, threatening and comic in equal proportions. The good news is that the company doesn’t bluff about its cheese: there are piles of it on this pizza, and it’s of reasonable quality — a bit oily, but properly salty with some stretch and flavor.
The bad news is that the developers of Brew Pub decided to offer “more than half a pound of Wisconsin cheese!” and then essentially quit there. The crust is of the thin, undistinguished, cracker-like variety, and brings nothing to the party except for structure. The tangy-but-garden variety sauce would be decent on any other conventional frozen pizza, but in this context it’s lost under the avalanche of cheese, buried like a red mitten in a blizzard. Pepperoni also went completely missing in action under the snowdrift of cheese.
So, cheesy, yes. Pizza coma, sure. Good pizza, no. William Blake wrote that “the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”; if that’s truly the case, we can expect version 2.0 of Lozza Mozza Brew Pub to be a perfectly balanced home run of a pizza.

Worst pizza I’ve ever had.
Overly salted, horrible meat. Crust was … thin.
Noth worth the six dollars I spent on this, and a pizza cutter.
Icky. Pass on this.
On second thought … the crappy pizza cutter I got was of a better quality than the walmart ‘stainless steel’ pizza cutter I bought for 8 dollars.
So, if your store still has the ‘buy this pizza, get a free pizza cutter’ special going on, grab it, keep the pizza cutter, toss the pizza in the garbage, and you’ll be better off.
It’s just *that* bad.
I had this pizza. It was great. I have an industrial pizza oven though.
I disagree 100% with this article. First of all, based on this picture, it looks like you cooked it too long or used an electric oven and had the rack set too high. As far as the crust, being from Chicago, thin crust is a must. Thick crust, especially in frozen pizzas, tastes like you are eating raw dough. Third, saying the sauce is good but too far buried beneath the cheese is inaccurate, especially since your pizza is overcooked. The sauce is amazing and a perfect counterpoint to the delicious cheesy excess. Finally – cheese pizza? Are you kidding me? Get the supreme for an amazing variety of tastes, and kudos to Brew City, you can actually taste each and every ingredient, which NEVER happens in a frozen pizza.
Hands down, this is the best frozen pizza on the market. And if the original burst of cheese is too much for some, sprinkle some store bought Italian seasoning on top before cooking. It sweetens the cheesy impact just enough.
Five/Five stars.
This pizza is better than any restaurant-quality pizza anywhere in Milwaukee. I’m sure the same goes for Minneapolis.
Great sauce. Quality toppings….but way too much cheese for my taste. Overall though, one of the best in terms of quality ingredients. Why cover it up with all the cheese? Just tone it down a little and it will be huge. Oh, and I won’t pay ten bucks, I waited for it to go on sale and paid six. I would never pay ten bucks for this pizza. I’m sorry for being a total pizza snob but I would not be critical if I didn’t care. This is one of the best frozen pizzas I have ever tried but still has a fatal flaw in terms of balance.
I wish you had a pepperoni supreme I’m not a big fan of sausage on pizza. I used to buy Orv’s pizza but their Quality has gone down hill, less pepperoni, and just not as good as it used to be. I quit buying it I bought the first 2 Brew pub this week and really was impressed I bake them on a stone. I hope Piggly Wiggly continues to carry them. they are fairly new in my area (Menasha Wi)
We like the pizza but it is way to salty. Please cut back on the salt!
Delishious. Best pizza ever. Yum yum.
traveled to MN from NC, bought this pizza from a gas station and could not believe it was better than any frozen pizza i had ever bought at the grocery store. the sauce stood out over everything else! it was spicy and tangy, loads of flavor. the cheese was insane, it dripped down into the bottom of the oven. seriously, i can’t disagree more with the author of this article, this is a great pizza compared to the ones i am used to. i even took the time to look up the pizza online and find out more about it. 5/5
Awesome frozen pizza the best out there by ! The only negative I would suggest is more sausage on it? Keep up the super quality! Don Johnson U.P. Michigan:
The crust was card board like. I cooked the pizza in a pizza oven and with the extra cheese, made it difficult to cook without a burn. I bought two of the meats one at festival, anyone want the second one?
These pizza’s are hands down the best frozen on the market. My favorite is the 4 meat. The pizza pictured in the article is overcooked which will dry out. I prefer the thin crust in a frozen pizza and this sauce has flavor to it. I find these on sale quite often so I seldom pay more than about 5 bucks apiece. Gladly pay a little more for the quality than less for no ingredient dried out filler pizza.
Best frozen pizza I have had. Think you may have baked your pizza to long by looking at the picture above. The thin crust was great. Good flavor and just the right amount of cheese.
Best frozen pizza ever…I buy the cheese variety and add (2 cans of anchovies)…..yum, yum, yum !
WORST pizza ever…..used to think it was great but you have done something to the crust and it’s horrible….so thick and hard….Never will buy again….ever…..
It is not too bad for a frozen pizza if cooked in a pizza oven. Heggie’s frozen pizza is better. As far as restaurant pizza goes, Dulono’s In Minneapolis is the best I have ever had and I have had tried pizza from all over the world. From Chicago to Italy. Just another opinion.
Yeah this review dude doesn’t know ‘za. I agree completely in Michael Canters comments above. My only concerns are:
1. The marketing – Take the Lotzza Mottza thing off and make the Brew Pub logo bigger. Just go with the brew pub logo, that’s cool. The Lottzzaa Mottzzaaa and colors on the packaging are just “cheesy”.
2. Cost is too high, although I love this pizza and am usually drunk at the grocery store or plan to get drunk following the grocery store i know I will want good pizza, but will only buy it when on sale. Not because my 130k salary can’t pay for it but because of principle.
3. When will this be available in Washington State?????
I LOVE this pizza. I get the sausage pizza. It cooks in my electric oven perfectly at the required setting, the least amount of time, and then add 2 min on high broil. The only thing I add is green olives. Delicious. I buy these at Copp’s when they are on sale. Love the crust. A person can actually taste the toppings. The sausage on this pizza is delicious. I have tried the pepperoni, and it is good, but the sausage is great.
best frozen pizza going.
Absolutely loved this pizza!! Great thin crust, tasty sauce, lots of sausage and pepperoni and a thick layer of gooey cheese. Will definitely be buying this pizza again. Keep up the great work!!
Way to much salt!!! Won’t eat it again becouse of that!
I like my pizza cooked with the cheese melted, no further than that.
If you overcook cheese, even to the point of it browning, you took the flavor out of it. A good pie should have milky white cheese (maybe a touch of brown) and it should be set to cool down at least 4 minutes before cutting.
With that said, if you cook this pizza correctly, it is the best frozen pizza on the market, hands down
Best frozen pizza in the midwest!
Just started seeing in northern WI about 2 years ago and about a year now in SE WI….glad to have it locally!
Tombstone was the best way back in the day before they were sold to Kraft foods.
As far as too salty???, I guess I don’t get that….too salty compared to what other product?….maybe your spouse or mom is giving it a hit when yur not looking.
My biggest complaint about some pizzas over the past few decades is that they are selling bread topped with cheese….no sauce….lotsa motsa has a great sauce in a perfect amount to balance with the toppings.
We just tried a chicken alfredo tonight…..BAM….another winner, winner in my book!!!!
I like the supreme, I think it’s the best store bought frozen za out there. { would delete some salt , but it’s still great. The biggest problem is cooking it right. The best one I made was on a gas grill. I hate the idea of putting it right on the oven grate. The next one I make I will do that and put a piece of foil on the bottom rake. If Mad dog and Merill like it, it’s gotta be good.
This supreme version was worse than Heggie’s. The crust is unleavened hard tack, the meat is obviously the cheapest cured and seasoned sausage and pepperoni available to man and the cheese was mercifully claimed by Wisconsin.
Most Italians of any generation would choke, then weep.
I think that the cloying sweetness of that sauce is what caused me to abort the experiment.
All hype and marketing.. Easy to do as bar food goes.
So much for my dinner after a nine hour trip from Grand Rapids to Lanesboro, MN.
I ate a very nice peppermint pot de creme from Kowalski’s and felt immensely better.
I just finished half of one of the Supremes and being from Wisconsin I don’t say this often, but TOO MUCH CHEESE. Globs upon globs of cheese that overwhelmed everything else on the pizza. The pepperoni was really lackluster and the sauce was a little sweet and not in a good way. I feel sick thinking about how much cheese I just consumed.
Best frozen pizza we always add a bit more mushrooms and onion to surprem sometimes olives this pizza has the best sauce of any frozen pizza out there. Crust a bit cardboard like but not bad for frozen. It is the best especially when we can get it on sale almost 2 for one. Love the cheese lots
Pizza was pretty good, but I’ve had better
If you like 5 parts cheese to one part crust and sauce, then this may be the pizza for you. Tasty for a frozen pizza or as i call it, GAG me with cheese pizza. (poor balance in my opinion, and i live in Wisconsin and i love cheese, but not Gag Me amounts of cheese.) I wish they would have an offering with less amount of cheese.
No more for me, thanks.
best frozen pizza I have ever had.lisa
Used to purchase this pizza quite frequently. We’ve been finding an off taste like spoiled meat. We’ve tried a few more thinking it was isolated- it wasn’t. It’s apparent the quality is not there anymore. No more purchases for us.
How can I order pizzas from you all while I live in Virginia I love your frozen pizza and I think you need to get it to the stores here down south people would love it find Greg seltrecht
Where can I buy Lotzza Motzza frozen pizza?