Pi Day and March 14 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @spoonriver1 is hiring for the summer, @piccolo_mpls visits Korea restaurant on Oak St., the lunchtime crowd celebrated Pi Day by gobbling up every last piece of pie @PottersPasties, and on March 27 @BrodersPastaBar and @BrodersCucina will give 15 percent of their sales to @fultonmarketmn.
MoreOvertaxed Minneapolis Restaurant Checks and Morning Roundup
Minneapolis restaurant checks come with a higher tax than in any other major city in the US, a record-sized eelpout is caught (and here’s how to cook it if it’s too ugly to wall-mount), the Angry Catfish will give out free doughnuts on Saturday, there’s an event at Spoonriver today to raise money for better […]
MoreGoda Cafe Opens and Morning Roundup
Dave’s BrewFarm will be selling beer at Miller Park in Milwaukee; Brenda Langton of Spoonriver gives The Human Doing a vegetarian cooking lesson; Deb Carey of New Glarus Brewing is named Wisconsin Small Business Person of the Year; the African-themed Goda Cafe opens at 34th and Nicollet; turmoil and intrigue vis-a-vis Oceanaire and McCormick & […]
MoreHazel’s Northeast Open and December 9 Tweet Rodeo
@YelpMSP announces Hazel’s Northeast opening yesterday, @BARSBakery hosts a holiday open house this weekend, @LeeZukor comments on @Spoonriver1’s new site, @Kopplins suggests Ames Farm products as holiday gifts, and @KatentheKitchen competes in an Iron Foodie Challenge.
MoreA $5 Trader Joe’s Wine Scoop and Morning Roundup
Kudos for Spoonriver crepes at Mill City Farmers Market, good $5 wine at Trader Joe’s that you probably haven’t heard of, the story of Harvest Moon Co-op, a photo of 40 years of Star Tribune Taste sections, and a review of Boulevard Amber Ale.
MoreFebruary 1 Tweet Rodeo
@TastebudTart notifies us that IKEA has improved its recycling program and food ware, @Spoonriver1 offers a three-course dinner for $20, @CocoaAndFig works on their chocolate cake recipe, @Chowgirls love the @SweetsBakeshop Breakfast Cupcake, and @KatieBips seeks salt revenge.