
June 16 Tweet Rodeo

@The_Wedge publicizes an @Organic_Valley grocery giveaway, @FourFirkins offers a couple of rare Ommegang brews, @BirchwoodCafe encourages you to promote accessibility in community gardening, @GingerHop_NE holds another cheap date night, and @PunchPizza promotes their new appetizers (with another coupon).


March 24 Morning Roundup

Nalapak Indian restaurant closes (temporarily…?) [via Chowhound], a passionate call for just drinking from the damn tap already, Rachel does a happy hour roundup, Martha and Tom get back to the garden, it’s VĂ„ffeldagen (Waffle Day!) at the Swedish Institute on Saturday, chicken-fried bacon is coming to the State Fair (just five months, folks), some […]


Watering the Mind’s Garden

Here’s some exotic food for thought: “The Lessons of a Wabi-Sabi Garden,” a Simple, Good, and Tasty essay that teeters dramatically on the fence that separates “labored” from “thought-provoking,” only to eventually fall into the latter category with a satisfying clunk.


August 3 Morning Roundup Part II

Mecca salutes Rudolph’s BBQ for its longevity and slams the food, Trout Caviar lets us know that ramps are still around and are great in rice pilaf, Lee makes progress on his backyard farm, a gorgeous Miel y Leche vegan blackberry lime cupcake from massdistraction in the Heavy Table Flickr pool (plus some mutant tomatoes […]
