Leave a comment on this post, and at the end of the work day at 3pm, so we can mail these things out promptly (that’s today, Thursday, Feb. 25), we’ll randomly determine 5 winners of pairs of tickets to the Home & Garden Show which runs from Feb. 24-28 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. We’ll email you tonight to get your address info, and get the tickets mailed first thing tomorrow (Friday). UPDATE: Congrats to Beth (11:14am), Maggie (12:29pm), Brian (12:59pm), Rachel (1:31pm), and Robyn (2:56pm)!
Quick Giveaway: Home & Garden Show Tickets
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Me please?
Hey hey!
great giveaway!
Woop woop! Home and Garden Show, followed by a late lunch at Hell’s Kitchen would sure make a great Saturday afternoon:)
How fun!
What can I say….? I day without the heavytable.com is like a day without access to food! Love it!
pick me! pick me!
yes please
This is great. Your site is my required reading every day. Keep it up
Hi there!
I don’t know what I would cook for dinner if it weren’t for you!
I hopes I weenz!
Commenty comment!
I love both The Heavy Table and the home and garden show, though not equally. Kind of like how I love my dog more than my hamster.
Awesome – Love Heavy Table!
Thanks for the chance at some tickets!
Would love to go.
i love things!
UPDATE: We’ll be doing the drawing at 3pm today so that we can get addresses from winners and get envelopes in the mail more quickly. Thanks, all.
Just before the buzzer…
I love fresh tomatoes!
Nothing’s better than apple pie.
OK! And with this, the contest is officially closed. Thanks to everyone who commented. I’ll do a random-number drawing and then send out emails to obtain mailing addresses ASAP.