At 5:30 and 7 in morning this Sunday, troupes of rain-weary but elated Northern Sparkers filed into Aria for pancakes prepared by two of the area’s most formidable breakfast pros: the team from Al’s Breakfast and Chef Paul Berglund of The Bachelor Farmer.

The pancakes were pleasantly chewy with a mild note of yeast and malt, perfect when accompanied with syrup. Coffee by Dogwood was available to wash them down; proceeds benefited the Northern Spark festival. (Pictured immediately below: Berglund serving diners at the feed.)

A performance by LA-based multimedia artist Miwa Matreyek rounded out the meal.

Using media (including video) in layered and unexpected ways, Matreyek used her silhouette to become a part of the performance.

The concept of a pancake feed is something both familiar and distant — an almost-lost ritual reinvented in the modern industrial space of Aria.