A wrap-up of the “Andrew Zimmern fails to credit Chuck Terhark” angst tornado (Zimmern’s original zesty post now includes some juicy comments from the likes of Heartland’s Chef Lenny Russo) [via urbanfoodie, who also offers a meta-wrapup], Sea Salt opens this weekend, Downtown Journal looks at the rebranding of Finnegans, the gastronomic whirlwind lifestyle of talented Bemidji-based food writer Sue Doeden (featuring a visit to Local D’Lish), South 12th has (an awful lot of highly entertaining) cocktail-related advice for you, Chowhound’s The Dairy Queen holds forth at length on where the good food’s at around here, and a tamer version of Barrio heads to the gritty streets of Edina.
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Sea Salt opening day fits right up there with MLB Opening Day and the NCAA Tournament to make right now my favorite time of year.