Gastro Non Grata is bringing beer, brew, and bands together for two consecutive weekends. The first gathering is May 17, in the Modern Cafe parking lot. Flak Radio — co-hosted by yours truly, this site’s editor — will be there, along with roasted pigs, fresh country sausage, baklava, Two Brothers Brewing from Chicagoland, St. Paul wine distributor Bourget Imports, the band Les Ourses, Modern Café’s own That’s What You Get and Hunting Club. Private Dancer and Chooglin’ will wrap up the mini-festival. If “mini” is even a fair adjective.
May 24, Gastro Non Grata rocks the Triple Rock Social Club beginning at 6pm ($3 cover at door). Chef Heather Heartman (Spoonriver and Cafe Brenda) will serve a mushroom patè followed by Vietnemese grilled pork salad. Rush River Brewing from River Falls, WI will sample beers, Northern Brewer will brew homebrew to be sampled at the next GNG gatering, Mr. Fly with bring it musically, followed by Dreamland Faces, The Evening Rig, His Mischief, and Birthday Suits. Finally: Colin Gasko of Rogue Chocolatier finishes things off with dessert and there’ll be a Dead Meat Door Prize by Clancey’s Meats and Fish.
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