Josh Thoma may be out at La Grassa writes Zimmern, details on Surdyk’s Flights, an upcoming airport wine bar, Deschutes Brewery of Oregon will begin selling Black Butte Porter and Mirror Pond Pale Ale in Minnesota starting the week of March 29, March 1-7 is Yelp Drinks Week (with 50% off featured drinks at nine area bars), Feb. 28-Mar. 5 is Restaurant Week, East Lake’s Five Favorite Breakfast Places (hard on the heels of DeRusha), an interview with writer Rose McGee plus her recipe for sweet potato pie, and the kickoff of the Simple Good and Tasty book club.

February 26 Morning Roundup
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Excited to finally see Mirror Pond make its midwest debut.
If priced like it is out west it will put an end to all this silly hop induced price frenzy around here (I’m looking at you Surly Furious)
This beer will takeover.