Zombie Beer and Morning Roundup
A historic dairy rises from the rubble on Door County’s Washington Island, this year’s Zombie Pub Crawl has its own beer (“Brain Belt”! label designed by our own David Witt!) thanks to Schell’s, Travail looks set to move (up the street) and another new restaurant with a common kitchen may emerge as a result, Rick […]
MoreFood & Wine’s Local Tour and Morning Roundup
Food & Wine lauds local restaurants including Travail, The Bachelor Farmer, and HauteDish (plus: Andrew Zimmern’s local picks and photos from our own Becca Dilley in the print edition); Howl at the Moon closes (alternately: The Shout House wins the piano bar duel); details on the Lynn; 2012’s farm families of the year; an early […]
MoreRamen Robots and May 23 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @ZenBoxIzakaya watches some goofy robots make ramen, @PizzeriaLola is searching for a new server, and @TravailKitchen is closed for the day for a private event.
MoreFulton and Surly at the Ballgame and Morning Roundup
A sketchbook journey to Mozza Mia, a mixed and / or rave review for Travail, Surly and Fulton join the beers at Target Field, the Lyn-Lake Trader Joe’s may be doomed by hater “no go”s, reviews of Eat Street Pizza and West Bank Diner (here’s ours of the latter), a taste of Dave’s BrewFarm Iron […]
MoreAmerica’s Test Kitchen Hits the Iron Range and Morning Roundup
America’s Test Kitchen heads to Hibbing in search of porketta; Zimmern trumpets the (as of yet unconfirmed) exodus of Dara from Minnesota Monthly to MSP Mag; photo outtakes from our Silver Whisk profile of Chef Alejandro Castillon of Sonora Grill; the almost invariably positive Southwest Journal writes that Eat Street Social “disappoints”; chefs from Travail, […]
MoreHot Dish Unveiled and Morning Roundup
Travail gets a Strib spotlight as part of the paper’s Great Chefs series; Nation’s Restaurant News profiles Culver’s; a wedding cheese cake (or: a cake of cheeses); details on the 2012 World Championship Cheese Contest in Madison; some complaints about the sale of Crispin Cider to Miller; and HauteDish can’t be thrilled that “the North […]
MoreThe Origins Coffee Cart and Morning Roundup
A look at how the Origins Coffee and Tea Cart fights the good fight for good coffee in downtown Minneapolis, a detailed tour of Cedar-Riverside (featuring Republic and the Wienery, among others), the always helpful Stephanie March local food news roundup, Dara writes about the white-hot Travail and local charcuterie, a look at the beer […]
MoreTravail’s Foie Gras at the Minnesota State Fair
The toughest ticket in town right now is a seat at Travail Kitchen and Amusements. Earlier this week, Bon Appetit magazine placed the Robbinsdale startup as number four on the country’s top ten new restaurants. “We’re just trying to hold onto the reins,” said Mike Brown, Travail’s wunderkind chef-owner-waiter of the surge in customers wanting […]