Sovereign Grounds

eBay Coffee Sales and October 6 Tweet Rodeo

@FACESMearsPark offers a free glass of house wine with appetizer purchase during this weekend’s art crawl, @SovereignGrnds sells bulk Turkish Roast coffee at a discount on @eBay, @Aebleskiver promises bacon ‘skivers at Saturday’s @MCFarmersMkt, @ChefShack1 pulls their donut truck for repair — they won’t be downtown today, and @CameoApples remarks on this year’s employment shortage […]


Date Night at Ginger Hop and August 31 Tweet Rodeo

@ScottPampuch warns of imminent @TourdeFarm sell-out, @GingerHop_NE debuts a new date night test run, @Amck gives Mediterranean Deli’s spicy veggie sandwich a rave review, @OrganicMeatman takes 25% off your order, @SovereignGrnds offers half off coffee beans for college students, and @France44Cheese congratulates Uplands Dairy on their ACS win.
