
March 12 Morning Roundup

The Journal-Sentinel covers a packed raw milk hearing in Eau Claire [via Chef Chris], a rumination on seeds, Glenn Beck, and the apocalypse, Dara reveals that Wild Acres turkey drumsticks will be served up at the new Twins Stadium, there’s a new pizza place opening near the excellent Cave Vin, MNBeer’s got the pretty new […]


August 20 Tweet Rodeo

According to @France44Cheese, “tornadoes are bad for business… except for cheese tornadoes; those rule.” Needless to say, local tweeters have primarily been otherwise occupied with yesterday’s inclement weather. On the national front, @NewSeedAdvisors promotes sustainable agriculture as a strong (read: underinvested and promising) growth sector, @Organic_Valley reports that Scientific American is calling for research on […]
