restaurant week

Organic Donuts and August 10 Tweet Rodeo

@ChefShack1 now boasts completely organic mini donuts, @MSPMag seeks #restaurantweek feedback, @France44Cheese comments on a delicious cheese’s discontinuation, @McNallySmith reminds you of the @PizzaLuce block party this weekend, and @The_Wedge  tracks local sales for their Eat Local challenge.


September 29 Tweet Rodeo

It’s Restaurant Week! @LaBelleVie_MN and @NortheastSocial post their tasting menus, @WisCheese announces the first Wisconsin Original Cheese Festival (held Nov. 6-7 in Madison), @Rick_Bayless and his followers discuss paw paws, @Spill_The_Wine offers an Austrian Wine Tasting next week, and @Bakespace posts a candy bar-inspired bread recipe sure to satisfy even the most cavity-ridden sweet tooth.


Feb. 20 Morning Roundup

While Erin prepares for Restaurant Week, Penny makes some cold weather food with potatoes and cabbage and Jilly prepares some blackened salmon with blue cheese sauce. MN Stories just posted a campy bit from January making stewed chicken and corn bread using, well, solar power. At noon I’m sneaking to the Golden Fig to get […]
