Peace Coffee
PB&J Juicy Lucy and September 11 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @Peace_Coffee is giving away a few seats in their Science of Brewing class this month and the @58club debuts a PB&J Juicy Lucy.
MoreDeRusha Digs Icehouse and July 5 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter:@Peace_Coffee requests your cutest mug shots, @DeRushaEats details a great lunch at @icehousempls, and @RickNelsonStrib thinks ahead to National French Fry Day next week.
MorePeace Coffee Offers Discounts on Cold Press and July 3 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: To beat the heat @Peace_Coffee is offering 20 percent off all cold press items, @gaigaithai made some brilliant-looking beet fries with chili sauce, and @AcadiaCafe is looking for hangover cures.
MoreCops Love Chef Shack and June 28 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: Armed with @chefshack1 doughnuts, @katenthekitchen learns the food-truck way to a cop’s heart, @Peace_Coffee spreads the word about our fifth North Coast Nosh @openarmsmn, and @sewardcoop supports the potential opening of a northside Wirth Co-op.
MoreFoxy Falafel’s Food Truck Debut and June 7 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @Peace_Coffee is giving away free cups of coffee to those who bike or walk to work today, @RyeDeli baked off some baby black and white cookies, and @FoxyFalafel is taking Roxy the food truck out to Mears Park for the first time today.
MoreJimmy John’s v. Union Employees and Morning Roundup
A judge rules that local union organizers were illegally fired by Jimmy John’s last spring, a WACSO illustration of Sun Street Breads, Ice Cube’s taste for Peace Coffee goes viral in meme form, the Minnesota Food Blogger crew holds a bake sale this Saturday to benefit Share Our Strength, and a new coop is proposed […]