The New Taste of Tao Natural Foods and Morning Roundup
Rick digs the simple food at the remade Tao Natural Foods, tastes of the new sausages at Shepherd’s Way Farms (including an orange peel and red wine sausage), a Chowgirls-catered fundraising party and halfway update for Caribe’s new location, tasting notes for Summit’s Summer Ale (here are ours), some wine world updates including the state […]
MoreMore David Page v. Guy Fieri and Morning Roundup
A fascinating-if-toxic City Pages profile of Guy Fieri from the viewpoint of local producer David Page paints the popular TV host as a fame-crazed homophobic anti-Semite, Rachel sizes up the Lowry, Well Fed Guide to Life hits Albert’s Bar and Grill, Imbibe magazine highlights the Marvel Bar’s Oliveto cocktail, an exhaustive recap of a beer […]
MoreA Verdict on the Lowry and Morning Roundup
Salad makes a stand at the State Fair, praise for the Hola Arepa food truck (and check out our Street Food Directory), Dara thinks The Lowry will fail as a fancy restaurant but soar as a diner, Risotto rolls out a new menu [PDF], and some love for Homi (our review here).
MoreWilde Roast Reopens and June 14 Tweet Rodeo
@128cafe promotes their presence at this Friday’s [Communist Daughter-led] installment of a free concert series, @PunchGrandAve sells cheap wine all week, @AcadiaCafe announces the menu for tonight’s Beer & Beast, @WildeRoastCafe reopened today, and @3squaresMN seeks experienced staff for The Lowry in Uptown.