Land Stewardship Project

May 13 Tweet Rodeo

@RedStagNE promotes the Land Stewardship Project’s Saturday event, @France44Cheese gives a discount on all things French, @MuffulettaCafe offers “Tender Prices for Tough Times,” and @SmashburgerMSP celebrates National Burger Month with free fries.


August 3 Morning Roundup

A chowhound has the scoop on the new St. Paul food cart Curbside Kitchen, Aaron writes up Mama’s Pizza in St. Paul (“crispy crust with more sauce and much more cheese than I’m used to on midwestern-style pizza”), Cafe Cyan asks if you, the reader, are a land steward, Amy does some R&D (and Titanic-focused […]


A Land Stewardship Cook-Out

The Land Stewardship Project is hosting a cook-out and silent auction later this month — mark the calendar for Thursday, July 30 from 5-8:30pm. LSP will provide brats, burgers, and a vegetarian entree produced by LSP member-farmers, all served in the backyard of its Powderhorn office (821 E 35th St, Minneapolis). Also provided will be […]


Twin Cities CSA Guide

The Land Stewardship Project just put out its 2009 Twin Cities Region Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farm Directory. It’s obtainable in dead tree format, too: just go to the Land Stewardship Project’s South Minneapolis office, 821 E. 35th St., Suite 200.


Tales from Terra Madre

On Sunday, Mar. 29 from 3 to 4:30 PM Land Stewardship Project member/farmers will meet the public at Bryant Lake Bowl and share their stories from Slow Food International’s Terra Madre in Turin, Italy in Fall of 2008. No fee, but RSVP to Tom Taylor (ttaylor@
