Gai Gai Thai
Awesome Asian Eats and Morning Roundup
Visitors from Winnipeg glory in our vegan paradise, love for Izzy’s and Pumphouse Creamery from star pastry chefs in Food & Wine, Wisconsin cheesemakers dominate another contest, Madison’s old-school Great Dane brewpub starts selling bottles, a list of the top-grossing State Fair food stands, details on the Ale Jail / Wine Thief anniversary party, 2012 […]
MoreThai Ice Cream Sandwich and August 28 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @gaigaithai shares a literal ice cream sandwich a la Thai street food, @PunchPizza’s pies are buy-one-get-one-free all day, and @ProduceExchange has picked up some snappy apples at Fairhaven Farm to sell at the State Fair.
MorePreview of Foxy Falafel and July 31 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @gaigaithai is looking for local radicchio and @FoxyFalafel is previewing the menu for her new restaurant (which opens this Friday!) all week.
MorePeace Coffee Offers Discounts on Cold Press and July 3 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: To beat the heat @Peace_Coffee is offering 20 percent off all cold press items, @gaigaithai made some brilliant-looking beet fries with chili sauce, and @AcadiaCafe is looking for hangover cures.
MoreCraft Beer Sales Are Booming and Morning Roundup
Rachel’s ice cream flavor mashups at Izzy’s, WACSO illustrates Restaurant Alma and Gai Gai Thai (and is having an art opening this Thursday at the Cynthia Froid Group), regional craft beer sales are soaring, and a harrowing tale from Fargo’s Ribfest.
MoreRinata Now Serves Brunch and May 21 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @RinataMpls now serves Sunday brunch, @perennialplate shares favorite moments from the road in their season finale, and @gaigaithai will teach Thai rice secrets tomorrow @LindenHillsCoop.
MoreSee Simply Steve’s on Kare 11 and May 18 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @CaribeBistro has triumphantly passed the $8,000 mark on Kickstarter, @Simplysteves will make an appearance on Kare 11 tonight for Food Truck Friday, and @gaigaithai hopes to hit the farmers markets this summer.
MoreHappy Thai New Year and April 13 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @gaigaithai wishes their followers a happy Thai New Year and @GardensofEagan wonders who’s growing hops in MN and WI.
MorePeace Coffee for Sweaters and March 20 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @Peace_Coffee is offering drinks in exchange for sweaters to celebrate Mr. Rogers’ birthday, @gaigaithai suggests pairing durian with mango coconut sticky rice, @tastebudtart devours the relish tray @Butcherandboar, and @northern_brewer’s sale on beer kits ends tonight.
MoreLeap Day Cheese Special and February 29 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @france44cheese honors Leap Day with a silly special on frog and rabbit cheese, @gaigaithai plans on serving two curries and ramen @Patisserie46 tomorrow, @blacksheeppizza shares a cheerful action shot of an employee tossing dough, and @CaribeBistro’s closed for the snow today.
MoreGirl Scout Cookie Gelato and February 21 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @chowgirls and @BossyAcres suggest hitting up @gaigaithai’s cooking classes @LindenHillsCoop, @PizzaLuce celebrates Fat Tuesday with a deal on their Creole Pizza, @WildeRoastCafe has whipped up some Girl Scout Cookie gelato, and @TCBurgerTour asks for suggestions on the best burger.