beer dinner
Lingonberries and Lobster and October 13 Tweet Rodeo
@Judalicious posts a cocktail recipe for “the white lady,” @SummitBeer publicizes an upcoming beer dinner at @TheHappyGnomeMN, @SugarSugarCandy closes early this Friday, @Celebr8nGenr8n recommends making lingonberry wine, @DeRushaEats is weirded out by a kitchen (and no, it’s not just any kitchen), and @Smack_Shack plans a lobster boil for next week.
MoreRestaurant Max Teams Up With… Beer!
Restaurant Max and Goose Island Beer are hosting a reception and five course beer dinner for $45 per person (excluding tax and gratuity), Thursday, June 25 beginning at 6pm. Highlights: Fried Oysters; Assorted Lettuce, Goat Cheese, Roasted Beets, and Hazelnut; Lamb with Rhubarb and Summer Vegetables.
MoreApr. 3 Morning Roundup
TC Restaurant Blog correctly IDs Q Fanatic’s BBQ as being insanely good, “call it what you want, bingo is here to stay,” proclaims the Strib in a moment of borderline self-parody, the Birchwood will be hosting a pretty friggin’ good-looking Earth Day Beer Dinner ($75 a person) [via MNBeer], and Philip Dorwart — my favorite writer these […]