Alexis Bailly Vineyard

January 18 Tweet Rodeo

@SanctuaryRest announces remaining reservation availability for their Alexis Bailly Vineyard tasting, @BlackDogStPaul offers 10% off all orders with a St. Paul Winter Carnival button, @Barrio_Truck announces its next stop, @AnsarisGrill dubs today “Monday Funday” and provides MLK Jr. Day 2-for-1s, and @Sheelar enters her cupcakes in today’s beer-themed IronCupcake:Milwaukee competition.


January 11 Tweet Rodeo

@ZippsBeer announces today is Hopslam Day (several bars offered parties last night to celebrate), @SanctuaryRest posts the menu for their January 21st five-course dinner collaboration with Alexis Bailly Vineyard, @CaptainsChair claims that Southern Tier’s Choklat Stout smells like Malt-O-Meal, @PittBlueSteak hosts a Glenlivet dinner on the 28th, and @LocalDlish, @MSMarketCoop, and @LindenHillsCoop all provide information […]


Minnesota Wine in the Springtime

Alexis Bailly Vineyard is having its spring open house May 30-31 and June 5-7, Friday 1-7pm and Saturday/Sunday 11am-5:30pm. The vineyard promises music, local artisan cheese to sample, and a new vintage of wines to taste including the unveiling of their new country wine labels. A tasting goes for $10 which includes etched wine glass.
