In case you didn’t know, @Nordeast reports that Grumpy’s NE offers half-price MN beer every Monday from 5-9pm — that just may be the cheapest Surly and Summit around! @HotDishBlog serves up the original recipe for the Banoffi (banana-toffee-coffee) Pie available at Victory44, @GreenMill001 is handing out free pizza slices tomorrow at a St. Paul TCF bank, and @CooksCrocusHill now offers online waitlists for full classes. Also, have you ever wondered what’s in all of those miraculous energy drinks? @Vita_MN tweets that 900 boxes of “energy-boosting” coffee were seized in Malaysia over the weekend for being laced with Viagra. This, combined with @The_Wedge’s report that 5 cups a day might reverse Alzheimer’s, implies that coffee really can be a cure-all!