It seems today’s Twitter foodies are becoming more opinionated and involved than ever: @FromFarmToTable (among many, many others) reports on grocery store giant Safeway’s false labeling of “local” produce; @SecretsCity continues the discussion of “voting with your dollar” started by the Heavy Table’s Aaron Landry (which, might I add, started as a harmless question…). In the meantime, check out our local farmers’ markets: @SweetCheeksBaby food will be available at Golden’s Deli for the St. Paul Farmers’ Market, and @Aebleskiver is planning red, white, and blue “‘skivers” for the Mill City Farmers Market on the 4th tomorrow. Also… @TraderJoes sells Tom Yum cashews? I’m a little doubtful and a lot intrigued that a bag of nuts might be able to embody the warm lemongrass and coconut flavor of my favorite Thai soup…