Each Friday, this list will track five of the best things Heavy Table’s writers, editors, and photographers have recently bitten or sipped. Have a suggestion for the Hot Five? Email editor@heavytable.com.
The Hot Five is a weekly feature created by the Heavy Table and supported by Shepherd Song Farm.

Cold Chasoba at Kado no Mise
Green-tea-infused soba noodles are the heart of cold Chasoba, a feather-light vegetable-and-noodle soup that might be the world’s best entree for warm summer weather. Kado no Mise has a light touch, and that sort of minimalism really works with a dish like this. All the flavors are mild, the textures delicate, and the overall impact is calming and cooling.
[Debuting on the Hot Five | Submitted by James Norton]

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms from Cherry Tree House
No, it’s not a tribble. It’s a lion’s mane mushroom, available (occasionally) from Cherry Tree House Mushrooms at the Mill City and Kingfield farmers markets. The lion’s mane is a slightly sweet, rich-tasting mushroom, almost lobsterlike in texture and flavor. It works well as the base of a stir fry or pasta sauce, but it’s also delicious simply sauteed in butter until crisp.
[Debuting on the Hot Five | Submitted by Amy Rea]

Cafe Miel at Botany Coffee
Botany Coffee recently opened at 38th and Cedar Ave and the space is beautiful. With specialty, single-origin beans and a purposeful selection of espresso beverages, it’s a welcome addition to the neighborhood. Try the Cafe Miel, with moderate sweetness and excellent balance. You’ll feel as though you’ve stepped into Instagram with a warm beverage in hand.
[Debuting on the Hot Five | Submitted by Paige Latham Didora]

Arugula Salad at Delicata
Nothing quite cements a pizza place in our hearts like a great salad. It’s one of the reasons we fell so hard for Black Sheep Pizza back when it opened. St. Paul’s Delicata offers an arugula salad that doesn’t look like much on the menu. It’s just arugula, roasted grapes, almonds, and a Kalamata-based dressing — but it’s so nicely seasoned and balanced that it’s absolutely irresistible. And the sweet, tender impact of the grapes is such a perfect offset to the tartness of the vinegar and the richness of the olives that it’s a wonder they’re not standard issue in salads everywhere.
[Debuting on the Hot Five | Submitted by James Norton]

Tomato and Mayo Sandwich with Loon Organics Tomatoes and Rustica Bread
In the children’s classic Harriet the Spy, the overly nosy Harriet insists that her nanny, Ole Golly, make her the same lunch every day: tomatoes and mayo on white bread. I re-create this every summer, upping Harriet’s game with good bread (in this case, a baguette from Rustica) and heirloom tomatoes from Loon Organics at the Mill City Farmers Market. Is there anything better than fresh tomatoes in the summer? I think not. Turns out Harriet was onto something with her lunch, if not her snoopiness.
[Debuting on the Hot Five | Submitted by Amy Rea]