Susan Pagani
Susan Pagani is a Minneapolis-based editor and writer. Her work has previously appeared in newspapers and magazines in Minneapolis, San Antonio, San Francisco, and Berkeley. She has also contributed essays to Minnesota Lunch and The Secret Atlas of North Coast Food.
It’s Your Birthday: Free Desserts in Minneapolis-St. Paul
It may be true that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but if it is your birthday — and you live in the Twin Cities — it’s remarkably easy to find a free dessert, and even the odd cocktail if you look for it. Actually, what’s true is this: If you are willing […]
MoreSalty Tart Fills the Rustica Void
It looks like the neighborhood can take off its mourning rags: as of last Tuesday, Michelle Gayer‘s Salty Tart (of Midtown Global Market) is supplying Java Jack’s — which continues to inhabit its 46th and Bryant space — with a variety of pastry, including scones, macaroons, croissants, cupcakes, cookies and breads. It is the baker’s […]