Month: April 2009

Get Paid to Drink Tea

Clerking jobs rarely offer much beyond a (miserly) hourly paycheck, but Craigslist has an ad seeking a TeaSource tea clerk at the chain’s St. Anthony store that looks intriguing — by the time you’re done clerking, you’ll have sampled hundreds of teas and guided “customers through the vast array of tea choices.” And it even […]


Shot From (Souffle) Guns

Shefzilla — getting firmly into the spirit of the day — reports that Manny’s has developed a “revolutionary” souffle gun that can produce souffles to order. First three flavors slated: Grand Marnier, passion fruit and Kopi Luwak (coffee shat by civet cats).


Red Lobster to Acquire Oceanaire

Happy April Fool’s Day. Zimmern posts some thoughtful words about the “sliding scale” that cuts local restaurants slack versus comparable operations on either coast, Kris proposes the craft-brew driven Beer Bank in a vacant bank location in Eagan, a Chowhound talks up Date Night at the Red Stag, and Jonesinforfood celebrates a meatless meatloaf recipe.
