Yum-Yums, Free Sake, and September 28 Tweet Rodeo
@ZippsBeer commends @SurlyBrewing on a new feature on their cans, @SweetMsFarm’s CSA sale is running a few more days, @TroutCaviar declares the new “black” (hint: it should come as no surprise), @EatWSK1 unveils the “Yum-Yum Rice Bowl” (including fried egg and yum-yums!), and @Motoi2Go turns two — and offers free sake to celebrate.
More2009 James Beard Foundation Awards Nominations
Those who follow the gastronomic equivalent of the Oscars may find the following piece of information interesting: the 2009 James Beard Foundation Awards semifinalists have been posted. A few Upper Midwestern rising (or shining) stars to consider… OUTSTANDING RESTAURATEUR Larry D’Amico and Richard D’Amico, D’Amico & Partners, Minneapolis OUTSTANDING RESTAURANT Lucia’s Restaurant, Minneapolis BEST NEW […]