Teppanyaki Buffet
Urban Eatery Reviewed and Morning Roundup
A rockslide crushes a St. Paul bakery, a meditation on the stupidity of the word “drinkability,” the Well Fed Guide to Life dines out at Shaw’s, Rachel reviews the post-Pearson’s dining situation at 50th and France, here’s what happens when you scan a bunch of food from Teppanyaki Buffet, a new bill would put state […]
MoreNaviya’s, On’s, and Morning Roundup
Iggers hits the new, giant Teppanyaki Buffet on Lake Street, I join the Well Fed Guide to Life guys at Cheeky Monkey Deli and talk Minnesota Lunch (this interview features the hillbilly Rottweiler story), Rachel samples and generally approves of the Thai food at On’s and Naviya’s (here’s our review of On’s and our review […]