Modern Cafe
Seward Book Club and January 28 Tweet Rodeo
@SewardCoop starts planning a book club, @ModernCafeMpls seeks a new chef to fill the void left by Phillip Becht’s move to the Birchwood, @SWMplsPatch reports on Cafe Maude’s decision to lose the jazz, @MNMOmag commends the top chefs in the latest competition, and @StribTaste seeks people with difficulty reading small-type menus in dim lighting.
MoreFishman’s Deli Loses Its Lease and Morning Roundup
Chef Phillip Becht is jumping from Modern Cafe to Birchwood Cafe, Iggers previews the Corner Table/Muir Glen event that we attended last night (story to come), a review of the BrewFarm’s Matacabras, and in a detestable development, Fishman’s Deli has lost its lease and may well be history.
MoreCollapsed Metrodome vs. Meatloaf and December 13 Tweet Rodeo
@ModernCafeMpls muses on who would win in a battle between their meatloaf and the snow-filled Metrodome (note: they’re currently pitted against Target Field in quadrant four of MSPMag’s “Best of the Twin Cities,” @PizzeriaLola’s tweeter extraordinaire picks up a new moniker, @ScottPampuch promotes his upcoming pig class a few months out, @ForkKnifeSpoon shares a snow […]
MoreFuture Koreatown on Xerxes? and December 2 Tweet Rodeo
@ModernCafeMpls offers a $25 gift card for $15, @PizzeriaLola considers giving St. Paul’s Koreatown a run for its money (Hot pot bibimbop in a pizza oven? Fun!), @PerennialPlate dreams big (and considers looking for angel investors?) for a hypothetical wild food restaurant, @LeeZukor shows off his P&E sandwich at @BewichedDeli, and @HeidisMpls suggests food safety […]
MoreDetails on the Two-Day Goulash of Gastro Non Grata
Gastro Non Grata is hosting a two-day blowout to benefit the Ritz Theater in Northeast — the event takes place Nov. 12 and 13 at the Ritz, 345 13th Ave. NE. Chefs including Modern Cafe’s Philip Becht (Nov. 12) and Sea Change’s Erik Anderson (Nov. 13) will team up with local bands to create a […]
MoreNeighborhood Pumpkin Grab and October 20 Tweet Rodeo
@SPClassicCookie offers a dozen free cookies for some social media love, @SurdyksLiquor announces the upcoming NE Neighborhood Pumpkin Grab, @ModernCafeMpls promotes Thursday’s Ritz Theater benefit, @PerennialPlate jumps on the @TravailKitchen bandwagon, @TCFOODFINDS jokes about starting a “Whino” group, and @France44Cheese offers a free brownie for the St. Paul Cheese Shop mayor on Foursquare.
MoreCheap Furthermore and October 5 Tweet Rodeo
@ZippsBeer offers a monthlong @FurthermoreBeer sale, @IlGattoUptown unveils new desserts while @ModernCafeMpls debuts a new menu, @McKinleyCSA shows you why processed meat of unknown origin is scary, @BurgerJones hosts a Dine for Hope event, @AcadiaCafe taps Boulder Coffee Flashback for cheap, and @MarthaAndTom come up with a new mantra: When in doubt, go to @LaBelleVie_MN.
MoreThe Hunt for a Lonely Blonde and August 20 Tweet Rodeo
How much do you like your beer? @FultonBeer seeks a blonde for their video / poster shoot, @SwedeHollowCafe offers a dollar off their tuna sandwich, @ModernCafeMpls works with Mike Phillips, @Amck comments on the temperature at @WondrousMpls, @JoesGarage touts their service industry nights, and @GrassFedCattle hosts a family day on the farm.
MoreAnother Street Food Vendor and July 2 Tweet Rodeo
@ChefShack1 celebrates @SheRoyalCoCo’s foray into mobile vending, @PerennialPlate recommends @Victory_44’s chicken, @ModernCafeMpls preps tons of sausage for Sunday’s 10 Second Film Fest, @LeeZukor comments on “orthorexia nervosa” (apparently overly conscious, healthy eating is now a mental disorder?), Solveig Tofte of @SunstreetBreads wins a Leadership in Service award from Modern Baking, @SugarSugarCandy alludes to an incoming product, […]
MoreJune 1 Morning Roundup
Mecca digs HauteDish (so did we), Moe’s Burger Heaven is coming soon to the Il Vesco Vino / Rizzo’s spot, Aaron digs the mobile wood-fired Olive Pizza, looks like Bill didn’t like Millie’s Deli in Chanhassen (regarding the bacon: “I’m not even sure my dog would have eaten it”), what unhappy cows look like in […]