John Garland
May I See Some ID, You Punk Kid?
There’s a right way to check an ID at a wine shop, and then there’s a totally snotty way to check an ID. Local wine writer (and Heavy Table staffer) John Garland picks apart the nuances in an articulate rant headed up by a photo of his own driver’s license.
MorePsycho Suzi’s on the Move and Morning Roundup
An update on Psycho Suzi’s move into the former Gabby’s space (1900 Marshall St. NE), Fat Lorenzo’s gets a shout-out as a great pizza parlor in USA Today (from yours truly), John Garland investigates the hefty 2008 Opolo Mountain Zinfandel, Dara dubs Darbar India “pretty good,” a review of Deschutes Jubelale, and things you can […]