March 9 Tweet Rodeo
@AcadiaCafe promotes tonight’s Beer & Beast event, @BullRunCoffee offers a new, limited edition Kenya decaf, @Celebr8nGenr8n teases about her Pi Day “Pi-nata,” and @GoodEarthRosev thanks their favorite vendor.
More@AcadiaCafe promotes tonight’s Beer & Beast event, @BullRunCoffee offers a new, limited edition Kenya decaf, @Celebr8nGenr8n teases about her Pi Day “Pi-nata,” and @GoodEarthRosev thanks their favorite vendor.
MoreTeddy does the blue plate meatloaf sandwich at Edina Grill, a crackdown on “fake” farms rocks Scott County, a good and / or funny soy milk recipe might win you a bunch of soy milk from Chef Chris, the most bronze-colored person you will ever see loves the red curry at True Thai, informed praise […]
More$2.50 now buys a shot-glass sized dessert at Salut, Figlio, Muffuletta or the Good Earth. Available during lunches on weekdays, the mini-desserts are a shrewd marketing move: just try to resist when a rack of shot glasses full of assorted goodies is waved in your direction.