Maja Ingeman

The daughter of an artist and a music teacher, Maja spent much of her childhood traveling the country in a rusty old van, attempting to model all of her father’s salable jewelry at the same time, and sampling the many edibles available both on the road and at the art fairs they visited. Though she now lives in Minneapolis, the coffee addiction and love for food that she picked up en route to one of their many destinations never left her. Between marketing work in the medical device industry and poring over the Harvard Business Review, she can typically be found holed up in her kitchen, baking bread every weekend and experimenting in between.

1/2 Price Frickles and July 15 Tweet Rodeo

Craving a @SPClassicCookie carrot cake cupcake? Today’s the day for a good one; @ArtSpaceUSA covers St. Paul consideration of wider sidewalks near cafes, @BlackDogStPaul adds Brau Bros. Strawberry Wheat to their list, get your @TownTalkDiner kitchen sink burger and frickles for half price with today’s deeply discounted DealStork offering (via @HeavyTable), and @KingfieldMarket plans to […]


Free Beer, A Call for Volunteers, and July 8 Tweet Rodeo

@KingfieldMarket seeks tear-down volunteers, @BurgerJones declares Friday “Free Beer Friday,” @DAmicoandSons offers cheap basil lemonade, @CTKitchenTable promises “burgers & blondes” at 10pm, @LeeZukor appears on @TwinCitiesLive, and the Land Stewardship Project trades beer for compost volunteers at this weekend’s Tour de Fat (via @BirchwoodCafe).


Another Street Food Vendor and July 2 Tweet Rodeo

@ChefShack1 celebrates @SheRoyalCoCo’s foray into mobile vending, @PerennialPlate recommends @Victory_44’s chicken, @ModernCafeMpls preps tons of sausage for Sunday’s 10 Second Film Fest, @LeeZukor comments on “orthorexia nervosa” (apparently overly conscious, healthy eating is now a mental disorder?), Solveig Tofte of @SunstreetBreads wins a Leadership in Service award from Modern Baking, @SugarSugarCandy alludes to an incoming product, […]
