You can find the results of this contest right here.
While it’s always a treat to taste the newest “on-a-stick” concoctions at the Minnesota State Fair, we’re looking to feast our eyes on a different kind of treat — gorgeous photos taken by you.
The Heavy Table is looking for your best photos of the food scene at the 2012 Fair. Take creative shots of food, beverages, and vendors in action enter them for a chance to win prizes! Ideal shots will capture the flavor of the Fair with originality and deliciousness.
Details and prizes are listed below. Submissions are due by 10pm on Monday, Sept. 3. Winners announced Wednesday morning, Sept. 5. For inspiration, check out our massive 2012 Minnesota State Fair food tour.
UPDATE 08.25.12: The prize pot has been sweetened! Food blog Nom Nom Foodie (www.nomnomfoodie.com) is kicking in $25 Visa gift cards for all of our first and second place winners, and a $50 Visa gift card for grand prize winner.
Your entries will be judged by Katie Cannon (Heavy Table photographer, Minnesota Cooks calendar photographer), the team at Vellee Deli, and Summit brewer Nate Siats (creator of the recent Unchained #10, Abbey Ale).
INSTAGRAM: Snap it, filter it, enter it to win in our Instagram category. Type the hashtag #HTSF in your description on Instagram to enter. Photos taken from your phone only, please.
GENERAL: All other camera mediums are eligible for entry into our general category, but they must be submitted digitally. Use Twitter to share your photos with the #HTSF hashtag to enter, and they can be hosted anywhere. If you don’t have Twitter, have a friend tweet at them or you can upload them to the Heavy Table’s group on Flickr and use the tag HTSF.
OVERALL: All photos related to the Fair with the hashtag #HTSF on Twitter or Instagram or with the HTSF tag on Flickr will also be automatically entered into the overall prize category.

INSTAGRAM AND GENERAL CATEGORIES (prizes awarded in each category):
1st Place: A $25 Visa gift card, $25 Twin Cities Dining Card and 2 tickets to the North Coast Nosh VI on Oct. 13 at the American Swedish Institute
2nd Place: A $25 Visa gift card, A $25 Twin Cities Dining Card and 2 Heavy Table pint glasses
OVERALL WINNER: A $50 Visa gift card, A $50 gift card to French Meadow Bakery, 2 tickets to the North Coast Nosh VI on Oct. 13 at the American Swedish Institute, and 2 Heavy Table pint glasses
All photos must be taken during the 2012 Minnesota State Fair — Thursday, August 23 through Monday, September 3.
All photos must pertain to the Minnesota State Fair food scene.
We’ll accept up to three photos per category (a total of six) per photographer.
They can be three shots of the same food, or three shots of three different foods, or anything in between.
All photos must be single images; no collages will be permitted.
Winning photos will be reprinted on heavytable.com.
With your name credited, we may reprint any photo entered in a roundup of the best contest entries and / or to illustrate other stories.
Heavy Table staffers, judges, and their immediate family members are not eligible.

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