
April 7 Tweet Rodeo

@GingerHop_NE (among, many, many others) offers the new Grain Belt Nordeast, @DearDara misreads a newspaper headline with a foodie twist, @SweetsBakeshop posts this week’s specialty flavor, @RealFoodMN remarks on the irony of governmental nutrition guidelines, and @SummitBeer celebrates the anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition for beer.


March 23 Morning Roundup

The good, the bad, and the ugly of Firkin Fest (including “murky swill”!), Grain Belt is introducing a Nordeast-themed brew [via @TheHoltSteady], a tasty looking Crispin “Ciders & Sliders” dinner April 8 at Firelake (menu as PDF), a new chef at Kings, a writeup of the relatively new Cocina Latina (ours is here), DIY fish […]
