The Salty Tart

February 18 Tweet Rodeo

@JOjeda gives the chirimoya a rave review, @DivinaPe shares an interesting variation on the traditional gnocchi recipe, @TheSaltyTart reminds you of their MPR member discount, @Foodimentary promotes wine drinking (in accordance with National “Drink Wine” Day), and @VincentMpls announces an upcoming cassoulet dinner with the French-American Chamber of Commerce.


December 9 Tweet Rodeo

@Sheelar urges you to celebrate National Pastry Day, so if you’re out and about despite the wind and snow, stop by @DragonflyMpls for a free pastry with a drink purchase! @Amy_Boland links to a sweet cake graph, MBA-style, @TheSaltyTart’s Christmas menu is now posted on their blog, and @LeeZukor announces the SGT January Local Food […]


November 30 Tweet Rodeo

Good for both reubens and your digestive system, @Amy_Boland demystifies the sauerkraut-making process and emphasizes its simplicity, @KatieBips concisely sums up the Il Gatto / Figlio comparison, @Atlantic_Food announces the most alcoholic beer (with, incidentally, an equally awesome name) and its runners-up, @TheSaltyTart announces pastry availability at Java Jack’s (in addition to the flagship Midtown […]
