Surly Wet Gets Lots of Love and October 2 Tweet Rodeo
The latest from Twitter: @zippsbeer acknowledges the popularity of @surlybrewing Wet, @FoxyFalafel gets nostalgic about her first business venture, @PunchCalhoun is hiring cashiers, and @FreshLocalShow is looking for bakers who want to talk pumpkin-infused sweets.
More“Wet” Release and October 11 Tweet Rodeo
@TCFOODFINDS wants to see an increase in neighborly cookie-baking, @MplsFarmMarket shares a “mystery melon,” @WannaBangkok announces a few remaining seats for their Polynesian Tiki Dinner, @EatWSK1 whets the palate for today’s debut of the “chino borrito,” speaking of “whet” — @SurlyBrewer is now packaging “Wet,” and @FEASTmpls plans their next event.