The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
You’ve probably never thought about spending nearly $3000 for a bread slicing machine. That’s probably because you haven’t yet read about the Oliver 797 Gravity Feed Bread Slicer. Check these specs: “This slicer features a 32″ feed chute and can handle up to 200 loaves an hour of sizes up to 16″.” That’s a loaf […]
MoreJune 3 Morning Roundup
Scate Bakes whips up some fascinating Amish cinnamon friendship chain bread, Rachel bewails the closing of The Boathouse in Superior, Zimmern violates Adam Platt’s review rules and takes the newly opened Burger Jones to the woodshed for lousy service, Summit can’t make Horizon Red Ale fast enough, it’s a Miel y Leche Cupcake Saturday and […]