
Brace Yourself for Spargelfest

In late May, the Black Forest Inn will devote a special Spargelfest menu to asparagus (or spargel, in German). They’ll serve fresh, local asparagus with pork, with steak, or with shrimp, and make asparagus pizza, soup, and salad. They’ll wrap asparagus, roast it, candy it, and infuse vodka with asparagus to make the Spargeltini. All […]


May 29 Morning Roundup

Trout Caviar whips up some brown trout escabeche with ramps and asparagus, DeRusha’s omnipresent always-streaming Jasoncam catches Don Shelby in the act of stealing a cupcake, a kickass watermelon photo from surlygrrrl in our Flickr group, Katie makes some monsterburgers, and giant beer glasses pop up over at Town Hall [via MNBeer].


Brace Yourself for Spargelfest

The Black Forest Inn, starting May 22, will serve fresh, local asparagus (“spargel,” auf Deutsch), using traditional German and not-so-traditional recipes. Some highlights: savory cheesecake featuring asparagus, asparagus soup, deep-fried asparagus, rolled asparagus in crepes, and an asparagus-infused vodka drink, known as the Spargeltini. And on May 29, the restaurant is having a special benefit […]


Mar. 17 Morning Roundup

Philip Dorwart of Mpls.St.Paul hails the annual return of the California-grown asparagus, the Como Avenue Jug Band will be rocking Brit’s Pub tonight (pst, Brit’s Pub, it’s not the “Coma Avenue Jug Band”), and Eating Minnesota wants to know how much to tip a bartender around here.
