Now that things are starting to bloom and grow a little bit around here, we’d like to capture that excitement with some food photography. The Heavy Table, in partnership with Grecco’s on the Saint Croix, is looking for your best photos of fresh, local produce, obtained from co-ops, gardens, farms, grocery stores, and farmers’ markets. We’re shooting for everything to have been grown in Minnesota or a neighboring state.
Photos can be as creative as you like. The ideal shots convey freshness, lightness, natural goodness, and beauty.
The contest’s grand prize winner receives $100 in gift cards to Grecco’s on the Saint Croix, a restaurant that regularly incorporates local and seasonal produce into its weekly menus. The first prize winner receives a single $50 gift card. Submissions are due by midnight, Sunday, May 24.

Rules And Other Details:
We’ll accept up to three photos per photographer.
They can be three shots of the same food, or three shots of three different foods, or anything in between. A single photo CAN include multiple kinds of food.
Upload your photos to the Heavy Table’s Flickr group. Use the tag “springbounty” to help us find all the entries.
In your description field, note what each photo is of, where the produce was grown, and where it was purchased or otherwise obtained.
The Grand and First Prize photos will be reprinted on heavytable.com.
With your permission (and your name credited) we may reprint any photo entered in a roundup of the best contest entries and / or to illustrate other stories.
The contest runs from today (May 18) through midnight of Sunday, May 24. We’ll announce winners the following week.
Heavy Table staffers are not eligible.