June 3 Morning Roundup

Scate Bakes whips up some fascinating Amish cinnamon friendship chain bread, Rachel bewails the closing of The Boathouse in Superior, Zimmern violates Adam Platt’s review rules and takes the newly opened Burger Jones to the woodshed for lousy service, Summit can’t make Horizon Red Ale fast enough, it’s a Miel y Leche Cupcake Saturday and an art opening event at Mitrebox Framing this Saturday from 10am-1pm, Village Pizza is opening Aug. 1 where the old Espresso Royale was on campus, and the Well Fed Guide to Life hits Fireside Pizza and brings Chuck from Cosmic Slop along for the show.


  1. geoff

    looks like there’s not a unifying editorial standard for restaurant reviews @ MSP. Shocking. I’m sure Platt, as the food editor, will regin in Zimmern

    Also, I’m a long-time fan of Zimmern…but I wonder how close he’s veering to “Don’t you know who I am?” territory when he’s does these takedowns on local restaurants. Are they truly the horrifying experiences he describes, or is he just growing accustomed to the star treatment?

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