Farewell to Louie the Loon

Our warmest regards to David Witt, who has been a stellar contributor over the past couple of years. You can check out his archives right here.

And if you’re a graphic artist / illustrator / cartoonist with an idea for a recurring food + art feature that could take Louie’s place, email editor@heavytable.com with your idea or ideas. Samples welcome.

DWITT / Heavy Table
DWITT / Heavy Table


  1. Charles

    Thanks for all the great reviews Louie. Usually agreed with you if I’d been to the place. The review of Maverick’s was pretty loony though.

  2. Susan

    Aww, I will miss Louie! My favorite review was Satellite’s Country Inn in Schroeder, MN. Or Sosa’s. Thanks for introducing us to some great food!

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